Gambling problems often go undetected and untreated, due in part to limited screening. Unlike other addictions, problem gambling has no obvious physical signs or symptoms.

Massachusetts-based Organizations can Host Gambling Disorder Screening Day Events!

Thank you for your interest in hosting a Gambling Disorder Screening Day event!

Gambling Disorder Screening Day is a one-day event that takes place on the second Tuesday of March, during Problem Gambling Awareness month.

During the months of March, April, May and June of 2024, dozens of Massachusetts-based awardee organizations received training, technical assistance, resources, promotional items, along with a stipend, to support them in planning and hosting Gambling Disorder Screening Day events.

Applications are currently closed. Stay tuned! Due to great success, this program will be launched again.

Hosting a Gambling Disorder Screening event has never been easier!

Awardees will receive: 

  • Our free Screening Day Best Practices Guide, which includes a 4-week event planning timeline, promotional materials, educational content, treatment resources, and an electronic version of the 3-question Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen.
  • Access to attend a live (virtual) Screening Day training, or to view the recording. This training will provide an overview of Screening for Gambling Disorder and How to Host a Screening Day Event.* 
  • Access to attend a live (virtual) Technical Assistance (TA) Session. This session will provide an opportunity for awardee organizations to ask questions, brainstorm and share event ideas, as well as to request any additional support you might need from the opportunity sponsors and experienced clinicians.* 
  • A stipend of up to $5,000 per awardee to help support your Gambling Disorder Screening Day event (including event preparations and follow-ups). Stipends can be used to cover staff time, printing promotional materials to advertise your event, materials and supplies, space rental, etc.
  • Resources, materials, and promotional items will be shipped to awardees, including:
    • Hard copies of general problem gambling-related and screening-specific resources.
    • Promotional, branded items that can be utilized by your organization or distributed during your event.
  • Downloadable links to materials will be shared, and additional hard copies can be ordered for free through the Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse. Resources are available in multiple languages! 

*Indicates required activity to receive stipend. 

If you have any questions regarding the opportunity to become an official Gambling Disorder Screening Event Host Awardee in the future, please email: [email protected].

Applications are currently closed.

Gambling Disorder Screening Day Host Resources:

2024 Gambling Disorder Screening Event stipends and technical assistance initiatives are a joint initiative of the Massachusetts Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment (M-TAC) and Project Build Up (PBU) programs.