Credential-building and free professional development opportunity.

Official problem gambling treatment certification of the MA Department of Public Health

The Massachusetts Problem Gambling Specialist (MA PGS) Certificate is funded by the MA Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services.

The MA PGS certification gives credentials to mental health providers to identify, screen and treat gambling disorders among their clients, in recognition of certificate holders’ professional experience, training, and understanding of gambling disorder, as informed by the DSM-V-TR.

What does the MA PGS Certificate do for you?

  • It is a free professional development opportunity for you to learn more about problem gambling treatment.
  • It gives you the credentials to support clients experiencing problem gambling and demonstrate professional experience and understanding of gambling disorder.
  • It offers BSAS-funded outpatient treatment agencies offering problem gambling treatment services the opportunity to be referred as a problem gambling treatment provider through the Massachusetts Problem Gambling Helpline.
  • It gives you access to a community and discussion about gambling disorder treatment in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • It ensures that you get up-to-date information from M-TAC on research and resources, free upcoming learning opportunities, and other free professional development events.

MA PGS Certificate Tracks

Please click here to view a breakdown of the MA PGS level to ensure that you are applying for the appropriate track and meet all requirements

MA PGS Certificate Courses

All trainings and courses offered through M-TAC are free and count toward the MA PGS certification! Become certified through M-TAC trainings and M-TAC online courses.

Additionally, a variety of CE credits approved by NASW, APA, NAADAC, and LADC is offered in various courses as an incentive to professionals with these licenses.


  • External courses and credits will not be accepted toward the certification. Except for OPGS conferences, which will be accepted for MA PGS credit.
  • Applicants cannot count repeated courses for credit.
  • CE credits should be earned within 2 years from the time of application. The field is changing rapidly, and it is important professionals have up to date information.

MA PGS Application Requirements

First-time Application

  • Resumé that meets specified education/work requirements
  • 30 CE credits of gambling-specific education
  • Proof of prior addiction-related supervision
  • Proof of continued addiction-related supervision (MA PGS II only)
  • Completion of the online application form
  • $50 processing fee


  • 15 CE credits of gambling-specific education
  • Proof of continued addiction-related supervision (MA PGS II only)
  • Completion of the online application form
  • $25 processing fee

Ethical code of conduct and disciplinary history

Every clinician with an MA PGS certificate must affirm that they will adhere to the ethical code of conduct, outlined in the online application. Additionally, they must complete a disciplinary history form, which is also included in the application.


1. Confirm your eligibility to become a certified MA Problem Gambling Specialist by reviewing each track requirement.

2. Complete M-TAC/PBU live trainings and/or on-demand courses to earn the required CE credits.

3. When you are ready to (re)apply for your certification, gather the documentation needed for application.

4. Complete the online application form and attach required documents.

5. Complete fee payment (online payment options will be available in the last section of the application form).

Get the word out.

Order free materials.

Support your clients and build awareness about problem gambling with free materials in many languages. From wallet cards to workbooks, these resources help people understand the risks, how to make changes, and how resources like the Helpline can support them.