Contact Us Reason(Required)I am a provider and I want to learn more about technical assistance opportunities.I am a provider and I want to change or add my program information in the Helpline.I want to order Helpline wallet cards or other materials.I want to invite the Helpline to my event/meeting.I have other questions or feedback about the Helpline.I have questions or feedback about the Course content.I need technical support with the Courses.I have a specific question about the MA PGS requirements and instructions.I am a BSAS site interested in receiving technical assistance.I have questions or feedback about the live zoom trainingsI have a question regarding a Project Build Up ProgramTo search for substance use services online, click “Find help” in the navigation bar to find help for yourself, for a loved one, or a client. You may also chat online or call the Helpline at 800.327.5050 to speak with one of our trained specialists 24/7. When online chat is available, the icon will be displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen. Visit the website of the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment or fill out the form below. You can order Helpline cards and other materials for free through the Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse.Name(Required) First Last OrganizationEmail(Required) Comment/QuestionNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact Reason(Required)I am a provider and I want to learn more about technical assistance opportunities.I am a provider and I want to change or add my program information in the Helpline.I want to order Helpline wallet cards or other materials.I want to invite the Helpline to my event/meeting.I have other questions or feedback about the Helpline.I have questions or feedback about the Course content.I need technical support with the Courses.I have a specific question about the MA PGS requirements and instructions.I am a BSAS site interested in receiving technical assistance.I have questions or feedback about the live zoom trainingsI have a question regarding a Project Build Up ProgramTo search for substance use services online, click “Find help” in the navigation bar to find help for yourself, for a loved one, or a client. You may also chat online or call the Helpline at 800.327.5050 to speak with one of our trained specialists 24/7. When online chat is available, the icon will be displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen. Visit the website of the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment or fill out the form below. You can order Helpline cards and other materials for free through the Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse.Name(Required) First Last OrganizationEmail(Required) Comment/QuestionCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.